A guide to common larvae and pupae of North American Flower Flies has now been added to https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide . With immatures unknown from many species, it's going to have to keep growing slowly over time, so please don't hesitate to point out places with room for improvement!
As always, there's a link to 'Identify' in the bottom left of the title slide if you want to try it out quickly on some 'needs ID' observations.
© Katja Schulz, some rights reserved (CC-BY)
Top identifiers who may enjoy the review, find these helpful, or notice problems: @upupa-epops @thebals @k8thegr8 @trinaroberts @malisaspring @raycama @susanna_h @elytrid @chrisangell @kwolgemuth @treegrow @rayquazasaur @johnschneider @joemdo @phycus @insectamo @susanhewitt @sessilefielder @psyllidhipster @sambiology @berkshirenaturalist @gcsnelling @zoology123 @aispinsects @kristendiesburg @lotteryd @graysquirrel @arborsphere @laurenjansensimpson @kamedaphor @peakaytea @claire146963 @silversea_starsong @pmbrousseau @jasondombroskie @entomokot
And then our top observers, in whatever adventures we may find you: @laurenjansensimpson @merav @christine123 @quantron @sstatner @susanhewitt @arbutterflynut @imasongster @kimberlietx @brynna @giantcicada @keimwj @rednat @annetcurran @coeller @darinjm7 @mlankford @navin_sasikumar @nsouc @tigerbb @trinaroberts @walkingstick2 @cedric_lee @feralbeetle @fitz1412 @joemdo @kuchipatchis @nanofishology @tinapost @treegrow @xris
Thank you all for your contributions! As I like to say, if I had made guides to Syrphid larval/pupal identifiers and observers instead of species, you would all have been included :)
Oh neat! Thanks for the tag. I haven't made any identifications beyond the family level yet, but look forward to improving that with this guide. It looks great :)
Excellent! I love it when we can match up immature stages to adults!
Cool, thanks.
Thank you!
This is truly a fantastic resource. Much appreciated!
Terrific resource! Very glad to have this, very useful.
This is great!
This is awesome! Much appreciated!
thanks, what a great resource!!
Excellent. Thank you.
These are pretty fun! Excellent work on the guide.
This is an excellent resource. Thank you so much!
Thank you, @edanko! This is very helpful.
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