In my front yard

I took advantage of the partially sunny (ok dryish) day to take a walk around my yard. I wanted to see if there were any new specimens fruiting. I was surprise to see so many changes from just a month ago. My daffodils are in full bloom, the maple trees are budding, and my comfrey is sprouting.

As I walked along the hardwood pile of logs, I noticed a new fruiting of the polypores and ran inside to grab my camera. On one log I found 3 different species growing and just up the hill two more. I am curious about the succession of the species that will inhabit these logs.

I found Trametes versicolor, Stereum hirsutum, a Daedalea, Schyzophyllum commune, and the beautiful violet colored Tricaptum abietinus.

In my backyard, in a particularly wet and shady spot I found a Coprinus-like specimen, but it was growing out of a wood stump. The spore print was black and prolific. As I sit here typing this that specimen has completely turned black and the gills have almost disintegrated.

The theme today, seems to be the velvet or hairy type mushrooms. I was excited to discover some new things and am proud of myself for being able to tell the difference between the shelf-like zoned specimens. At first glance they all look so similar, but when you stop and really look, you can see all of the subtle differences.

Publicado el 17 de febrero de 2020 por autumna autumna


Fotos / Sonidos


Hongo Cola de Guajolote (Stereum hirsutum)




Febrero 16, 2020 a las 03:24 PM PST


Thin leathery, pliant shelf like specimen. Velvety on top with a zoned color from browns to yellows. The spore side is yellow to brown. You can see the hairs on the top and near the margin. There is a slight stipe as a narrowed lateral base. Found on a hardwood log growing with other polypore fungi.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 16, 2020 a las 06:45 PM PST


This maze polypore was growing on a hardwood log. This was zoned white/grey, velvety, cap that had a bit of green algae growing on it. The underside was a maze-like gill system, and this specimen was growing next to Stereum striatum and Trametes versicolor.

Fotos / Sonidos


Cola de Pavo (Trametes versicolor)




Febrero 16, 2020 a las 06:40 PM PST


This specimen is a shelflike, polypore, that is thin and leathery. It is growing in a fan shape and is strongly zoned different colors ranging from buff to brown. The surface is velvety and the margin is wavy and a bit hairy. Growing on a hardwood log. The pore side is a dingy white and the spore print was white. See the spores in the microscopic image, they are cylindrical, smooth and kind of sausage shaped.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 16, 2020 a las 06:36 PM PST


This shelflike and leathery fungi was growing on a hardwood log. The cap was about 3 cm and in a fan shape, a velvety texure and zoned grey and purple coloring. The spore side was tinged with a bright violet color and white, and the spore print was whiteish. The spores are sausage shaped, cylindrical, and smooth.

Fotos / Sonidos


Nanacate (Schizophyllum commune)




Febrero 16, 2020 a las 03:09 PM PST


This fuzzy little specimen was growing on a maple log in clusters. The coloring on the cap ranges from whitish to grey, and the caps are velvety and have a hairy margin. The gill side has the infamous split gill pattern. The spore print was white and the spores were cylindrical, and smooth.


Wonderful photos and journal entry! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 4 años

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