City Nature Challenge 2017: Chicago (April 14-18)


I just wanted to make sure that you all knew about the City Nature Challenge happening April 14-18, 2017. Chicago (Cook County) is competing against 15 other US cities to see which city can document the most nature using iNaturalist

I’ve tagged you in this journal post because you’re a top observer in Cook County over the past year or so. We’re really hoping you’ll participate in this year’s City Nature Challenge – while we know getting observations from as many people as we can is important, we also know that it’s top iNat observers like you that will really push us ahead in the number of observations made and especially the number of species found in the Chicago area!

The easiest way to join in is to just make as many observations of as many species as possible in Cook County during April 14-18. Helping with IDs will also increase our species number, so that’s a great way to help out as well. And of course, spread the word! City Nature Challenge 2017: Chicago iNaturalist project:

The social media hashtag is #citynaturechallenge (

NHMLA has made a leaderboard page - it should be dynamic and will shuffle the order of the cities based on who has made the most observations:

The Nature Museum will be hosting a kick-off CNC event at the Nature Museum this Friday, April 14 at 10am. RSVP here

Habitat 2030 is hosting a public event at Jackson Park on Saturday, April 15, 11:30am-3:00pm

Numerous other partner organizations will be contributing to Chicago's total between April 14 and 18 by incorporating iNaturalist into existing events and programs, but you can also participate on your own by uploading your observations to iNaturalist . We can also use help with identifications (ID's made through April 21 will be added to our species total).

Please feel free to brainstorm other ideas, ask questions, etc. in the comments – and definitely add others to this journal post via tagging them in the comments!

@sanguinaria33 @elfaulkner @skrentnyjeff @bouteloua @randyshonkwiler @isaac_krone @evan8 @hikebikerun13 @andriy @lifeondakinstreet @janebaldwin @dsuarez @sea-kangaroo @scottmohan @fpccoutreach1140 @missgreen @prairieclover @timidlittleturtle @catalpa_joe @charles18 @aseglias @rgraveolens @palmera01 @jessicaross2014 @alan_rockefeller @omegadan01 @dan58 @dpom @jec @flexfolks @arieopteryx @vils_bioblitz_chute @isaaclarkin @nfurlan @jmmcclo @mushi @zachar1 @tulalola @lotsofheadbands @eattaway92 @scottmohan @jackassgardener @aarondurnbaugh @getblank @brendan20 @joseph8 @kennedy9094 @thismia @sarahaj @ukrainkadesigns @d_coulter @randomrover88 @cqlanus @eriko @loismallett @annieorel @pedro157_chicagowilderness @nicothoe

Publicado el 13 de abril de 2017 por dbild dbild


So this answers one of my questions, IDs can be made through April 21st. Do all the observations made have to be posted to iNat by April 18th, or just time stamped from then?

Publicado por skrentnyjeff hace alrededor de 7 años

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