
Watch this superb video about the domestication of maize:

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2018 por ellen5 ellen5


If it wasn't so close to supper time, I would pop some popcorn. I always have lots of popcorn around because I use it to feed my parrots. I cook it overnight with soybeans. Yumm.

The link to the science web page is a good one as well and I had to see the ones on birds/dinosaurs.

Thanks for the links.

Publicado por billarbon hace más de 5 años

great idea!

Publicado por ellen5 hace más de 5 años

And we knew corn was modified from the teosinte for a while. I think even it was published in the 80s or 90s in Smithsonian or Natural History - something like that. But just how long ago corn was domesticated was not known. Corn images are included in all Meso American ruins and stelae and showed how it was traded to South America in those images. Of course, corn and beans are a staple of not only the Mexican culture, but for poor southerners - both black and white - in our history. Nothing like a good bowl of rice and beans plus cornbread in winter. Like right about now. Yesterday we were in the high sticky '80s and today we can't keep warm. What kind of place is this?

But on this serious note: Meso American Indians cultivation of corn and south American Indians cultivating potatoes, sweet potatoes and tomatoes has enriched our diets beyond bounds. Add squash and turkey - another Meso American food source and good grief. No wonder we had to attempt genocide on the indigenous populations. They were achieving as high a cultural civilization as us poor European 'conquerors' , explorers, and desperate and impoverished European immigrants since Isabel and Ferdinand in 1492.

Publicado por billarbon hace más de 5 años

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