April 11/18

Well, finally seems like spring is slowly arriving. -7 C this morning, one of our warmest. As I went out to take the dog for a walk along the river, I heard the unmistakable sound of a small falcon. I spent last summer trying to track it down, with no success. This year, by gum, I'll catch it!
Also heard and saw a bird along the river that was not one of the usual suspects. Broad white tail flashes, so I suspect a Junco. They are generally the first of the small migratory birds that arrive here. My real sign of spring is the sound of the Western Meadowlark, as they don't arrive till later. There is not much of their habitat left where I live now, but in the past they were a part of the yearly cycle.
The ground is still frozen - I thought I saw an insect fly past on my walk, but unlikely. Considering putting out some type of insect trap to see what emerges.

Publicado el 11 de abril de 2018 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


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