Faux specimens

We make a small image of a photo from an iNaturalist observation and capture the data, including the link to it on iNaturalist. We cut them out in little rectangles and place them on a pin like a specimen, hence the name ‘faux specimen.’ Then they are placed along with actual specimens in my research collection. This way we can keep track of these finds that I either can’t identify to species or add info of the distribution or variation of named and unnamed species. If the faux specimen doesn’t match any others in the collection it is placed in its own unit tray located near what we think are its closest relatives.

Publicado el 08 de mayo de 2020 por marcepstein marcepstein


Ha! I love this idea. Reminds me of the old cut-out drawings I've seen pinned in collections as placeholders for species the collection didn't have specimens of.

Publicado por kevinliam hace alrededor de 4 años

Good idea.

Publicado por elendil_c hace alrededor de 4 años

@kevinliam You got it, exactly! We had many of these at NMNH (USNM). While some were cut out from Seitz, others we actually originals or BW photos of types that were painted over. One of the artists is a group photo of the USNM Lepidopterists shown in my book "Moths, Myths, and Mosquitoes"

Publicado por marcepstein hace alrededor de 4 años

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