Rearing Limacodidae caterpillars that you find on the ground

Just a note to those that find limacodid caterpillars on the ground and may be concerned about finding the right plants to feed them.

Finding a caterpillar like this often means that it is a fully grown instar looking for a place to make a cocoon (pupation takes place later inside the cocoon). In other words - easier to raise it to adult!!!!

This observation is a classic example of what we are seeing a lot of lately on iNaturalist.

If you see one like this put it in a container with some dry leaves and gravel. I also recommend a few fresh leaves as well if there is a tree in the near vicinity that looks like the caterpillar make have been blown off. The tree should have smooth (not hairy) and tough leaves.

This hedges our bets because it can possibly provide food if it is a lost caterpillar looking for plants, or you can provide a site for it to build a cocoon in the bottom of the container.

@kitlaw @ivonnegarzon @lbmicheels @gafischer @franko @suncana @cheryl394 @franzanth @silviakirkman @drewwalky @k8thegr8 @jlill @mothmancorrie @tcooley @magrietb @lilianapradalara @big-simonchan @rossycastaneda1 @andreacjimenez @diohio1 @onidiras @hkmoths @ashleybosarge @ivijayanand @krancmm @kozue @ritafoo @kim_fleming @ericvandenberghe @danielmesa1 @stuartmarcus @gancw1 @catalinatong @heimatlos @stevendaniel @rimba @kitlaw @kt_ton @pwilson06 @gerryvantonder @stefaneakame @magdastlucia @gasperinbio @ygurjar @martinlagerwey @airhead147 @hive @ku6777 @portioid @c_hutton @subbi @mickdrews @rogerriodias @seventeennature

Publicado el 27 de septiembre de 2021 por marcepstein marcepstein


Wonderful information, @marcepstein ! I will definitely keep this in mind if I catch any mature limacodids roaming around!
Thanks for sharing!

Publicado por tcooley hace más de 2 años

Thanks for the information. Will report if I am able to raise any Limacodid caterpillars.

Publicado por ivijayanand hace más de 2 años

Thank you very much. This info is very useful.

Publicado por kt_ton hace más de 2 años

Hope to find one - anywhere! Thanks for instructions.

Publicado por krancmm hace más de 2 años

Excellent, thank you! The few limacodids I've found have so far cocooned on the upper surface of leaves (or fell to parasites before cocooning), but I'll keep this in mind!

Publicado por franzanth hace más de 2 años

I can only echo these wise thoughts, observations and hints from @marcepstein , as well as the frustration r.e. parasite loadings noted by @franzanth

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 2 años

Thanks for sharing! @marcepstein
I want more people in Colombia to have access to this valuable information, so if it's ok with you, I would like to translate your instructions on rearing Limacodidae and credit you. Hopefully, instructions in Spanish would get more folks to raise caterpillars! Let me know what you think:)

Publicado por andreacjimenez hace más de 2 años

Yes, of course!

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

@hkmoths Do you think someone could translate my journal about rearing limacodids into Chinese? I’m really trying to get out the message about rearing from eggs in addition to caterpillars so we don’t only rear wasps & flies!

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

@marcepstein , perhaps ask @kitlaw ?

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 2 años

Yes - just added @kitlaw - sorry for the oversight!

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

I don't have much experience in raising it. Just if you know its host plant, try to find that for it, and then wait for the result😊

Publicado por kitlaw hace más de 2 años

Yes, I'm thinking that if it on the ground it may not need to feed anymore - ready to build cocoon. Also, many limacodids are less particular with what to feed them.

I'm hoping we can raise more so we know the species of these amazing caterpillars.

Thank you!

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

If I find it on the ground or railings, I will try to find some dead leaves, dead branches, or some small fallen flowers, which may sometimes be eaten😜

Publicado por kitlaw hace más de 2 años

Thank you very much Marc!

Publicado por lilianapradalara hace más de 2 años

I observed that most of the limacodids I see stay on the same branch without moving a lot. They only move a lot when they want to molt/shed or, as you say, when they are finally searching for their final place to pupate.

Publicado por danielmesa1 hace más de 2 años

In case you are looking for a foodplant of a genus that occurs from southern North America through South America or a tropical Limacodidae - put the name under caterpillar on left at Janzen’s site

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

Oh & click for food plant summary- look at
Cat photos too

Publicado por marcepstein hace más de 2 años

@julianbiol Mirá. Te puede interesar...

Publicado por danielmesa1 hace más de 2 años

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