Are We Having Fun Yet?

Well, I am, at least. I am working through the Pre-Mavericks, finding lots of easy-to-ID observations, like mix-ups between Trifolium and Oxalis. It's making me feel productive! If the observation still needs one or two more IDs to kick it to Research Grade, I've added it to this project in case you want to help out. If anyone wants to volunteer to help with this, tell me and I'll tag you in the observations. And please feel free to tag me in return.

And we are already having an impact! The numbers of Needs ID observations at the species level has decreased by about 460 since we started. At the genus level, the number is down by about 100. Pre-Mavericks are down by about 200. We could quit right now and we would have done better than last weekend!

But we're not going to quit, are we? I'm going to go make myself a second cup of coffee and then get right back to work!

Publicado el 25 de febrero de 2023 por lynnharper lynnharper


Hi Lynn - OK, I just reviewed about 20 observations; i.e., ones that had enough in the photos to react to. As you (and others) may have noticed, though, many of the "needs ID" photos are really poor (like the shots taken out of a car window of many plants in the distance). I wonder if iNaturalist might want to provide some helpful tips to erstwhile observers on how to take photos that can more effectively capture the image of the organism whose ID is needed.

Publicado por russ_cohen hace más de 1 año

There are a ton of Narrowleaf Bittercress that need a final id. Probably a lot of other bittercresses too.

Publicado por maryah hace más de 1 año

Hi, Russ! iNaturalist and many active iNaturalists have provided info to people on how to improve their photos, but, as I'm sure you've noticed, people don't always read the instructions! Often, these sorts of observations are made by people who were assigned iNaturalist in a class or learned about on a field trip and tried it once or twice, but then never came back to follow up on their notifications. iNat staff are working on a better "on-boarding system" but there's no projected date for when that will come out.

In the meantime, I think there are two things we can do: Ignore the "bad" photos and move on to "better" observations; or, if the observer is new to iNaturalist, write a helpful comment, something like "Welcome to iNaturalist! It's easier to identify a fern if you add a second photo in the same observation showing the sori on the underside of the leaves." Now, be forewarned that people who only know about the app, not the website, may not even see your comment, but at least you've tried.

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 1 año

@maryah, you are so right! I'll try to get to some of those.

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 1 año

If anyone wants to look at pretty flowers Fall Phlox has a lot and will have much more!

Publicado por maryah hace más de 1 año

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