Pepperwood Fieldtrip report

Thanks to everyone who came to Pepperwood today - I really enjoyed the hike! Here's a link to what we saw.

It was a bit dry for newts but Beatriz found this one under a log - we found others breeding in a pond.

We took a shortcut Michael the Preserve manager told us about to cut some distance off our 6-mile loop. Here we are crossing Redwood Creek.

Publicado el 18 de febrero de 2013 por loarie loarie


Hey classmates, I couldn't figure out how to send everyone a message so I thought I'd try commenting here. If anyone else missed the memo about this hike last weekend but wants to get away from campus to complete our homework, I'm planning on venturing into Tilden Park tomorrow right after class in hopes of scoping out some moist evergreen and chaparral species. I have extra 3-4 spaces in my car depending on how much you guys like each other. Feel free to message me if you'd like to join! Have a good day. :)

Publicado por maeganblansett hace más de 11 años

Hi Maegan - iNat doesn't yet have a messaging system. Everyone in the class gets these posts I leave, but they won't get comments on them like this. Want me to make a post about you're trip? I'm sure the class will appreciate it.

Publicado por loarie hace más de 11 años

Yeah that would be great! I'm still planning on leaving right after class and heading to a trail that passes through some woody areas, some shrubby areas, and right next to a lake. I still have about 3 spots and will be back on campus by about 5 since I have to do something else then. Thanks!

Publicado por maeganblansett hace más de 11 años

If you leave a comment on it, then any other comments left on it should appear in your dashboard.

Publicado por loarie hace más de 11 años

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