February 19th - Bibionidae Species ID Cont'd

We're happy to announce another online workshop! Here are the details:

Sorry for the late notice: this week we'll review the identification of different species of Bibionidae, with an emphasis on Bibio in the US and Canada. We'll select a certain phenology and location to focus on to make identification simpler.

As always, our meetings are completely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is vital for learning!

Please feel free to leave a comment to let us know if you plan to come! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EST on Sunday the 19th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Our resource for this meeting: Guide to the species of Bibionidae in the US and Canada.

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&taxon_id=56097&place_id=1%2C6712

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Publicado el 19 de febrero de 2023 por zdanko zdanko


If there are enough observations, maybe this would be a good starting point:

Publicado por edanko hace más de 1 año

I'll just watch :)

Publicado por carol-in-maine hace más de 1 año

Zachary, Even and FlyIDers, I am excited about the selection of the Dolichopus. The reference for my area is a great book published in 1938, Biological Survey of the Mount Desert Region, Part VI, The Insect Fauna. William Proctor. This book, on pages 324 and 325 has 35 species of Dolichopus! I probably have one or two of those, unidentified or misidentified, in my photos:) All the insects found during a survey of the island in the mid 1930s are in here. Of course many (or most) of the scientific names may have been changed since then, and species merged or added, but ITIS can help with that. The book contents used to be easily available online at "Champlain Society", but I couldn't find that and wasn't able to access the book text online today, but you scientists probably can do that easily. I took a photo of the list in my copy of the book if you'd like me to attach it somehow, just let me know. It's in the public domain, or it was in the past. I can do that with any insect that was seen here in the 1930s. The researchers who did the survey also include a few hints on habit and collection. Carol

Publicado por carol-in-maine hace más de 1 año

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