Birds of a Feather

This is the final full week of August before we really start the hawk migrating season. But I'll cover that in the August wrap-up. For this week, IPNRM obtained 40 more observations with our total count being 247. No new species were sighted though. Most of the sightings however were feathers or roadkill so not the traditional photo sessions. Referring to my own sighting, the third Red-shouldered Hawk of the project has been added after I photographed an adult in Union County, Oregon, the fourth county record.

Besides feathers and roadkill, the rest of the observations for the week are long distance documentary pictures, so it was difficult to decide on an observation of the week. I hope this is acceptable but I'm going to share my own photo, a juvenile Western Red-tailed Hawk in which I photographed him at the... right moment. If you needed a laugh this week, here's where you'll get it.

What should we expect within the next week? September will start and that means we really need to start looking for migrating Buteos like Red-shouldered Hawks and Broad-winged Hawks. Wheat fields are still being harvested, I watched a kettle of 28 Swainson's Hawks the other day so you might get huge numbers in places. And there always seem to be a surprise.

Publicado el 26 de agosto de 2020 por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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