I drove to Houston Texas

And as I passed through central and Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas, I was shocked. I knew the drought was bad, but to see so many dead and dying trees. Even Willows with their deep and complex root systems all yellowing and browning. The grass dry as winter.

We came back last night and we were on the heels of thunderstorms from north of Dallas to central Oklahoma. And wherever it had rained, instead of the smell of ozone and hot wet pavement, it instead smelled like wet straw in a barn. All that dead, dry grass was wet and making that sharp hay-like scent. It was really strange.

In my yard the trees are dropping their leaves, that are crinkled and brown. It looks like late October with all those leaves on the ground. It's surreal.

Publicado el 09 de agosto de 2011 por greenmother greenmother


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