New Sorrel Species and data.

As in many of our families, the Oxalidaceae in southern Africa have several undescribed species. The number is usually unknown because some turn out to be subspecies or varieties, and others odd forms of described species.

However, getting help with collecting, mapping and understanding undescribed species requires some tag to communicate these taxa amongst ourselves.
The projects on iNaturalist are:

Range extensions

These are usually documented via the project

See them here using the field filter:

These are the species documented with range extensions using the field.

Undescribed Species

These are usually documented via the project

These are the observations of undescribed species documented with the undescribed species field.

The following field or MS names are in use (these names may be refined over time):
Oxalis sudaensis 4
Oxalis prettyheart 2

1 observation only:
Oxalis cf canaliculata
Oxalis cf cuneata helme
Oxalis glaucous crocea MS
Oxalis grammatopetala

Oxalis lateriflora
Oxalis odorata
Oxalis sp nov Klawer
Oxalis sp10 cf canaliculata is this different from Oxalis cf canaliculata?
Oxalis steinkopf

Oxalis truncatula brian
Oxalis unifoliolate amblyosepala

Note: the observations retain their fields and names, even after having been described, for statistical purposes.
So those identified as "Oxalis" are usually still undescribed, but those with species names have been described and identified.

Publicado el 23 de mayo de 2024 por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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