Mission Identify

Do you enjoy identifying organisms in various taxonomic groups and want to keep your ID eyes sharp? From January through February 2022, the VAL team at VCE is running Mission Identify—challenging each of you to identify as many organisms as you can on iNaturalist and eButterfly.

The Vermont Atlas of Life depends on iNaturalist and eButterfly as ever-growing sources of biodiversity data. Once observations have been uploaded to iNaturalist or eButterfly, they need to be independently identified and verified by other users. This is called crowd-sourced identification, and the more people that are able to add an identification to an observation, the more likely it is correct. Only verified (or Research Grade) data can be used for research and conservation.

There are currently over 200,000 observations that need verification on iNaturalist, and many that need verification on eButterfly as well. We need your help!

Learn more about Mission Identify here.

Stay tuned for events pertaining to this challenge on the Mission Identify Events page!

Publicado el 10 de enero de 2022 por jpupko jpupko


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