

New question added - signs of sapsucker feeding

Have you noticed any signs of sapsucker feeding?

Sapsucker feeding signs on redcedar

This summer we have an intern from Highline College interested in studying the association of sapsucker feeding with western redcedar health. Sapsuckers often create holes in straight horizontal lines for feeding. Please look out for these signs and indicate if you saw them when adding observations of redcedar.

We will post a link to the findings or summary of the project at the end of summer. Feel free to contact us if you're interested in collaborating or learning more about the internship project. Thank you!

Publicado el 17 de julio de 2024 por jmhulbert jmhulbert | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
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Western redcedar is critical to the livelihood of our forests and communities. However, many reports of dieback have been shared recently. We urgently need YOUR help to understand why!

Help science go faster by sharing observations of healthy and unhealthy redcedar trees!

More information about this project available at ...más ↓

jmhulbert creó este proyecto el 04 de octubre de 2020
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