Quick Curation Tools.

To assist curators in checking things.


No localities:

"Please fill in your coordinates and locality. We need them to place your toad and work out how far they have moved, and where they breed and feed, and other monitoring information.
Click Edit (top right of observation), and in the map zoom in until you can see the exact spot that you found the toad (street address level). Add the location accuracy circle to show how certain you are of the exact locality Edit the place name if you want. Save (below).
If your app is working correctly, it should record this all automatically. If you are having problems, please check that the app can access your phone's GPS."

Not in southern Africa:

"Please fix your locality: it is not in southern Africa"

No dates:
(includes a few other reasons for observations being made "casual"

"No date: please add the date that this was observed. And sync your data.
In the rare event where the date is displayed on your app version, please just edit it to 5 minutes later, and save and sync)"


No pictures: (but does include sounds!)

"No pictures. Please sync your app. Alternatively manually upload a picture. If the observation has no useful information, please consider deleting the observation please - but not if there is statistically useful information! - In which case, please just add a note explaining that there is intentionally no picture."


Dead without Roadkill Project:
(NB: not all dead toads are roadkill. Please check before adding to the Roadkill (s Afr) project. )

"If you have time, please add toads killed on the roads to the "Roadkill (s Afr)" project. We dont recommend that you do it in the field while saving toads, but during your checking of data in the days that follow. The Roadkill project is used by, amongst others, the EWT for keeping track on all animals killed on our roads"

Observations without WLT Monotoring Project:

  1. Monitoring without the project
    "Please remember to add the WLT Monitoring project to your observations in the field and fill out the data for sex, state, direction moving and female egg-state. These data help us track what is happening during the breeding season."

  2. Casual observations.
    "Why not join our WLT Monitoring project at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/wlt-monitoring. This project uses the "fingerprint" pattern on the toads back to keep track of their site fidelity (do they come back to your garden every year), pond fidelity (do they always breed in the same ponds), their distance moved (sometimes several km), their longevity (up to 8 years), their routes and their foibles. Details of how to participate, as well as lots of other interesting toad information can be found in the project. If you would like to help save toads on the roads during the short breeding season in Aug-Sept, please contact your area coordinator (see the project journal). "


Locality Errors (Location Accuracy) too large:

Please refine your location. Check the point (zoom in deep) and reduce the Location Accuracy [= error or precision] as to as small a value or circle as is valid.
The app should be accurate to 5m, but this is 14km radius.
When first switching on the app, please make sure the GPS is on, and give the app about a minute to find out where you are. Once found, it should remain accurate to metres for the rest of the period until you close the app.
If you take the pictures with the camera and then add them to the app, you will need to manage the Location Accuracy manually."

Locality Errors (Location Accuracy) Missing:

"Please fix your locality resolution (or locality accuracy or locality error). Too large an accuracy, or missing accuracy, means that the data are not incorporated into checklists for the smaller nature reserves and places, and cannot be used for conservation planning and red listing purposes. And wont allow us to accurately record toad movements.
Ideally we like it to be 2-5m accuracy, but often one is uncertain, or does not know quite where one was, in which case it might be 100s of metres. but please if you genuinely dont know exactly where you were dont make them too precise, even if it is to the nearest km or two.
You need to enter this in when you add your observations. It shows up as a circle showing the area in which you were where you are uncertain as to exactly where the point should be. You can enter the value directly in metres for the radius of the circle.
Please see how to enter these when uploading you data in this tutorial: https://vimeo.com/167431843
Here is your list of observations without Locality accuracy recorded:
To fix it, please click Edit (up top) and type in the value in the "Acc (m)" box, and/or adjust the circle around your locality in the map. While at it please give a decent locality name (the Googlemap names are atrociously vague) - but be careful not to press "search" after entering the name as that will corrupt your coordinates.
and save ...
If you have lots, you will need to batch edit it: please see instructions here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/batch-updating-location-accuracy/11421 (Thanks Peter).
((please note: the app should record your locality accuracy automatically, if you take the photographs with the app. It wont if you add the photographs afterwards, in which case it needs to be manually inserted))"


Observations marked as Non-research Grade: please review the reason and respond:


Observations needing confirmation of ID:

Publicado el 31 de agosto de 2021 por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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