Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 30, 2023 a las 12:38 PM AEST


We were very happy to find this species along the airport Mangrove Boardwalk (close to the river) at 12:38pm on 30th September 2023! The individual was very cooperative and offered incredibly close views. It took flight and fluttered around a couple of times, but each time repositioned itself close by, always quite close to the ground (just a little bit higher than the boardwalk itself) - so we had to crouch down and lower our cameras to get the best shots and angles.

All photos of the same individual insect (not in chronological order).

Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 16, 2023 a las 01:10 PM AEST


All photos of the same individual insect. Seen during the daytime (1:10pm approx.). It appeared to fly up from the ground as I approached, and landed on a leaf. It repositioned itself a couple of times as I took several photos from different angles. More photos available if helpful, however these ones are the best and clearest shots (all cropped, and the first image has been rotated slightly so as to be symmetrical).

Wondering if Euchromia aemulina or Euchromia creusa? (Or other Euchromia sp.?). Most photos online of E. creusa seem to have much thicker red bands, and I am thinking my observation looks more like E. aemulina from the few photos online...


Thank you for any insights! These are such beautiful insects.

Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 3, 2023 a las 08:14 PM AEST


I was absolutely mesmerised by this butterfly and so happy to finally find and photograph one! I was trying to film a mammal scraping about in the leaf-litter, when out of the corner of my eye I saw this Purple Dusk-Flat resting on the underside of a leaf, to my left. What an experience!

All photos of the same individual insect and taken with SONY DSC-HX400V camera, except the last photo which was taken with my phone (SAMSUNG GALAXY A30s).

Spotlighting at Crystal Cascades.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 21, 2022 a las 09:32 MAÑANA AEDT