Fotos / Sonidos


Cuervillo de Cañada (Plegadis chihi)




Mayo 5, 2019 a las 11:33 MAÑANA PDT


Glossy or White-faced Ibis? Too bad I didn't have enough time to get a better picture. I reacted to a metallic, blue-green flash as the Ibis flew by in a very fast clip. I'm tipping on Glossy, because its observations in L.A. County on iNat were all in this location, in early summer of 2016, with plenty of sightings also recorded on eBird. Also, I looked at the pixels I recorded very carefully and couldn't find any lighter pixels around the eye. In any event, if this beautiful bird is visiting us here for a bit longer, I'm sure there will be more (and better) sightings soon.

Note: I added one more shot, as well as screenshots of the first image at 500% and 1200%, and of the second picture at 500%, in an attempt to find lighter pixels around the eyes of this Ibis.

Fotos / Sonidos


Colorín Pecho Canela (Passerina amoena)




Abril 27, 2019 a las 11:52 MAÑANA HST