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Agosto 27, 2022 a las 09:11 PM MST


Came to the black light last night at the Infestation party. Also got an Efferia, a Leptogastrinae, some nice therevids and tabanids, and oodles of mantispids and myrmeleontids.

I think this is Prolatiforceps! Relatively small, body densely tan colored with shiny black genitalia, long skinny epandrium, bristles on the tergites relatively slender and thin, long hairs on the sternites, long anterior dorsocentral setae, location fits. New genus for me! Got two males, leg preserved in ethanol. Wish I’d realized it earlier— I figured they were just Ommatius or Machimus in the field! Looks like this is the first of the genus ID’d on iNat or Bugguide. Keys to P. fulviventris in Martin 1975, also matches the description by Schaeffer.