Peat mat with Sphagnum (probably mendocinum), Salix hookeriana.
Epiphytic on vine maple. No marginal soralia, underside tomentose throughout
Evergreen forest, very near the Salish Sea
Elevation 13 ft
~60 F, clear, still
Creek bottom with THUPLI, ACEMAC, ALNRUB overstory
Nearby species: Athyrium filix-femina, Polystichum munitum, Equisetum talmateia, Plagiomnium insigne, , Rubus parviflorus, Rubus spectabilis, Ranunculus repens, Lysichiton americanus, Oplopanax horridus
Substrate: mineral soil near stream
Features: simple thalloid liverwort with sleeve-like lobes in the middle of the thallus which I think indicate it is the female gametophyte. Margin mostly entire but wavy. Rhizoids are all smooth walled. Cells lack air channels and have many small oil bodies. Slime filaments are 2-celled (last two photos).
Slightly sweet smelling when crushed. Abundant fresh growth at tips of thallus. Antheridial pads developing.
Growing on wet soil in shaded habitat.
55 degrees, cloudy, ground wet from precipitation in previous day. specimens well hydrated
on moist muds in vernal pool
note: cavernous thallus...
spore walls single, lacking soredia and isidia, have not done K test yet
Anomalobaria sp. confirmed to be a species currently being described.