Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 19, 2019 a las 11:29 MAÑANA NZDT


Brightly coloured fly. 2mm excluding antennae.

Not much of a flyer, I found it in the garden and I didn't have a container to put it in, I got it on my hand and It let me carry it all the way back to the house.

Also, it looks like it has Song Thrush eggs for eyes!

Anagyrus fusciventris - Photo (c) Robert Briggs, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA), subido por Robert Briggs
Identificación de louise_thomas: Anagyrus fusciventris, un miembro de Avispas Y Abejas de Cinturita (Suborden Apocrita)
Añadido el 21 febrero 2019
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