Archivos de diario de septiembre 2023

13 de septiembre de 2023

battery operated moth lights, examples

in the last few days I did a quick comparison of low-cost UV light sources and here are the results:

All set-ups will allow use in remote locations for an entire night. The cheap options may not be weather proof, be careful! And, do not look directly into those UV LED lights! Better wear glasses!

"A" flashlight, used at reduced light output setting, without purple filter, uses internal rechargeable battery, ca 28€
"B" UV glue hardening LED, on flexible arm, with clamp, used with a 10Ah power bank, ca 9 + 17€
"C" purple LED strip, used with a 10Ah power bank, ca 18 + 17€ (LED strip comes as a set of two)
"D" LepiLED, standard version, used with a 30Ah power bank, ca 435 + 60€, weather proof

Lepidoptera found

"A" 13 and 8 species (2 different nights), few hornets only
"B" 8 species, many hornets, quite aggressive
"C" 14 and 9 species (2 different nights), no hornets at all
"D" 19 species, many hornets, mostly sitting in groups

Publicado el 13 de septiembre de 2023 por amzamz amzamz | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario