Archivos de diario de septiembre 2016

21 de septiembre de 2016

Not Lost, Just Traveling

Greeting, Everyone,

I'm running a little behind (actually, quite a lot behind) on submitting observations and ID's, not because I'm slacking, I've been on the road (NM, AZ, CA and back to OK) just returning home yesterday evening. I have a little bit of photo editing left to do, then I can get down to business, and a lot of it there is. I did manage to submit some records from the first day at Bosque del Apache NWR, a few of those are connected to this post. Did not find as many odonates as I had hoped, but did find some interesting stuff, a couple that I still need to key out. Also lot's of birds, especially hummingbirds (though I missed the Starthroat at Madera Canyon), lizards, and more mammals than I typically photograph. This includes marine mammals, but sorry, no whales or dolphins. Rather difficult to shoot from a moving boat.

I'm taking a short break, but BioBlitz Oklahoma 2016 is coming up 9/30-10/1 at the OU Biological Station on Lake Texoma, so back on the road again!


Bill Carrell
Tulsa, OK

Publicado el 21 de septiembre de 2016 por arrowheadspiketail58 arrowheadspiketail58 | 4 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario