Archivos de diario de julio 2021

12 de julio de 2021

Son-Ray Gardens II

My home is a little patch of 0.6-acres in North Georgia that I am just beginning to know. We moved here in July of 2019 so we are two years in at this point. It has become the main focal point for my posts here. We traded a yard that was half as large with a house twice as large for this larger lot and smaller house. We used to own a hobby farm in Ohio with over three times the acreage and called it Son-Ray Gardens. This is my second gig of wannabe farmer and I have the tractor, pitchfork and holey pants to prove it. Our focus is native plants, native food plants, and other food plants in an ecosystem and microhabitat design. .

I have a consultancy that focuses on habitat preservation and restoration related to permitting new development. This entails natural resource surveys, of course, so I post findings from those areas too. Lastly, friends often send photos to share with me and to ask for identifications. Some of those end up here too.

I love that iNat has learned exponentially over the last 10 years or so with the input of so many experts. It helps me with taxa I am less familiar with. There is a whole world to know and no way to know it all, but iNat helps a lot.

Publicado el 12 de julio de 2021 por asio-otus asio-otus | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
