02 de febrero de 2020

February 1, 2020 - Devine Lake Park Amphibian Monitoring

The lake is low from lack of rain. From the concrete blocks to the north there is water. The south side is empty except for a shallow pool on the far south bank. This is where we found the only frogs of the night. They probably like the shallow, warmer water. We saw 4 Blanchard's Cricket Frogs, captured 2 and got photos. Total of 4 seen. The observations are attached.

In attendance: Randy and Sandra Spurlock, Christine Gardner, Hunter Yarbrough, Kathy McCormack

Publicado el 02 de febrero de 2020 por bethd bethd | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de mayo de 2018

TAW Devine Lake May

It was a nice evening at the lake after the storms and much needed rain the day before. The lake is still very low. Hopefully we will get more rain before heading into the heat of summer, or the lake will dry up leaving our amphibian friends high and dry. A small group attended, Kathy M., Meghan D. and myself. We heard Blanchard Cricket Frogs calling at a C=3 and Gulf Coast Toads calling at C=2 from the side of the lake that abuts private property. At the entrance to the lake in the open field the rains created a nice puddle for the Western Narrow-mouthed toads and they were calling at a C=3. We got good looks at them as well. Kathy and I heard Chirping frogs near the bathroom/parking lot area but they stopped calling the moment we got our phones out to record. We will have to make an effort to get these in the future since they have not been documented in the past during our monthly watches.

We also spotted 2 Blotched water snakes and one Diamondback water snake.

Temperature was 66F
Water was 76F
Humidity 52%
Lake well below average

Publicado el 07 de mayo de 2018 por bethd bethd | 4 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

04 de marzo de 2018

TAW Devine Lake March 2018

A light rain continued throughout the monitoring period but nonetheless we had a great turnout. 10 folks joined us: Kathy McCormack, Christie Gardner, Carolyn Doolittle, Amy Flinn and Mike Finn, and a young junior master naturalist Mason with his brother Evan and family.

Rio Grande Leopard Frogs were heard calling at C=2. Kathy McCormack got a recording. 2 individuals were caught and one was quite active, even calling while in the hand.

One unusual Gulf Coast Toad was seen but not calling. It was a very pale individual. Pictures taken.

Bats were heard with Kathy's bat speakers and several were seen flying low. The Great Horned owls were calling back and forth as well. The lake is still low despite the recent rains.

Environmental Conditions:
Air Temp (C):17
Number of People?:10
Sky:Currently raining
Water T (°C):17

Publicado el 04 de marzo de 2018 por bethd bethd | 3 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de febrero de 2018

TAW Devine Lake February 2018

A very quiet night which is not unusual this time of the year. No frogs calling. Rain is needed, the lake is low and receding quickly.

Observations: Blanchard's Cricket Frog C=0

Attendees: Don Campbell (welcome!), Kathy McCormack and Meghan Duncan.

Environmental conditions:

Air Temp (C):11
Call Intensity:0
Count of Individuals Observed:2
Distance Between all Individuals (meters):100
Number of People?:4
Sky:Mostly cloudy
Water T (°C):30
Wind force:3

Publicado el 04 de febrero de 2018 por bethd bethd | 1 observación | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

08 de noviembre de 2017

TAW Devine Lake November 2017

It was a nice evening with a beautiful full moon. My daughter Meghan and I were the only ones that monitored. There were no frogs calling but we saw several Blanchard Cricket Frogs hopping around and got a picture of one. One very large American Bullfrog was on the shore line, but headed into the lake as we approached. I managed to get pictures of a young Bullfrog on the other side of the lake. Up at the restrooms we found a young Gulf Coast Toad. We spooked one Wilson's Snipe while looking for frogs and oddly enough had a Field Sparrow after dark flitting around in the Buttonbush near the lake edge.

Water temp (F): 74
Air temperature at site: (C) 74
How many people were observing with you?: 2
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 1
Sky: Few clouds, full moon visible
Water Level: low

Publicado el 08 de noviembre de 2017 por bethd bethd | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de octubre de 2017

TAW Devine Lake October 2017

A nice evening and a beautiful sunset at the lake. There were 8 folks including myself that came out to listen to frogs. Thanks for coming: Meghan, Ginger, Violet, Amy, Mike, Carolyn and Christie. It was quiet but we did get 3 species in hand and heard the Rio Grande Leopard Frogs calling intermittently, but so infrequent no one was able to get a recording. Nothing else was calling. We saw 2 small Blanchard Cricket Frogs by the lake, one got away, but we got pics of one, thanks for the catch Violet. Since the lake was not producing anything we moved up to the parking lot and found 2 Gulf Coast Toads near the restroom. One smaller one went back into its hole under the slab, but a larger one made it into Violet's hand. She was persistent! We moved to the creek near the crossing at the front entrance and netted a young American Bullfrog. Violet got her net on it but it proved a little too big and got away, but Mike came to the rescue with his net, only to lose it temporarily. After hunting for it, we thought it was lost. About 15 minutes later Mike realized it was still in his net!! So we got pictures of 3 species. Not a bad night moving into fall.

Publicado el 10 de octubre de 2017 por bethd bethd | 3 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

03 de septiembre de 2017

TAW Devine Lake September 2017

A nice evening except for the mosquitoes. Post hurricane Harvey the lake is higher than last month, the areas that were totally dry are now under water again. A nice crowd came out tonight and one new comer. Reggie, Kathy, Meghan, Sandy and Randy, Christine, and Mike (welcome!).

We had 4 species of frog. The Rio Grande Leopard frogs were especially active tonight calling early at a C=2. Blanchard Cricket Frogs were at a C=3 and we had 2 American Bullfrogs calling back and forth at C=1. Toward the end of the evening on the north side of the lake Green Tree Frogs could be heard in the distance at a C=3. There were 2 small Blanchard Cricket Frogs seen along the shore of the lake and one Gulf Coast Toad seen on the road as we were leaving the park. We also were treated to a Great Horned Owl (juvenile) calling from the tree top for food.

Publicado el 03 de septiembre de 2017 por bethd bethd | 7 observaciones | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de agosto de 2017

TAW Devine Lake August 2017

August 5, 2017

It was a muggy night at the lake but the recent rain showers cooled things down a bit. The moon was bright and peeking in and out of clouds as the sun fully set. The lake is low, almost dry on the south end. We were able to walk out into the center of the lake looking for frogs. The only frogs calling were Blanchard’s Cricket Frogs at a C=3. There were several near the shore, but we were unable to catch any to take photos. After walking along the lake to the creek, which is also dry, we heard rustling in the bushes and an armadillo came out on the path and did not notice us at all. Our lights spooked it back into the bushes. After an hour of nothing more than one frog species, we decided to head back along the shore one last time on the way back to the parking lot, hoping for something. Our diligence was not unrewarded. We were treated to an amazing site! Resting in the grass, a few feet from the water was a 3 foot long Diamond-backed water snake (Nerodia rhombifer). As I approached, I was expecting it to slither off into the water, but instead it stayed put. It looked well fed, so I figured its lack of movement was due to digesting a recent meal. However, Christie noticed another snake (very small and coiled) under the tail of the larger one. Our lights then shone out and we noticed 5 coiled baby snakes all very near the adult snake. I noticed they seemed to be coated in gel, and then I noticed a blob of gel in front of one of the smaller snakes. We realized the adult snake was gravid and giving birth. As we looked at the adult female, she slowly moved, inching along and 2 more snakes were born. We watched in fascination for several minutes, took pictures, and moved on so as not to disturb her further. Truly a once in a lifetime moment. Heading back to the car, we did spot a Gulf Coast Toad and took pictures for documentation. Thank you Christie G., Ginger and Violet D. for coming out to take part in the awesome evening.

Publicado el 07 de agosto de 2017 por bethd bethd | 2 observaciones | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de abril de 2017

TAW Devine Lake April 2017

We had a total of 12 people for a fantastic evening at the lake!! It was a record night for most people attending and the diversity of what was seen. While waiting in the parking lot for everyone to arrive, we were surprised to hear Cope's Gray Tree Frogs calling slowly and haltingly from the canopy of the oak trees. The frogs were calling at C=2. Several folks got recordings. At sunset (7:45 p.m.) everyone headed down to the lake. The Blanchard Cricket Frogs were calling at a C=3 and during the entire monitoring period at least 5 were seen. Photographs and recordings were taken be several people. The Rio Grande Leopard frogs were calling at C=2 and a nice sized specimen was netted and photographed. Kathy M. caught a Red-Striped Ribbon Snake which was photographed and Meghan M. found a young (unfortunately deceased) turtle by the lake. There was a very impressive American Bullfrog calling from the lake, but no one was able to get a recording. Kathy M. and Christy G. heard the faint calls of Green Tree Frogs from the northwest side of the lake but they were too far and faint to get a recording.

After the official monitoring period was over, everyone walked back up to the parking area to search the bathroom area for scorpions to view under the black light. Violet found one and got to see how they effervesce under the light. Before leaving the park, we stopped at the creek near the entrance and heard the Cope's Gray Tree Frogs calling from the field. We had to take a look and so we waded in the standing water and searched them out in the low scrub. Kathy M. used her amazing amphibian capturing skills and snagged one from the branch of a tree. Everyone got great looks and pictures. There were 3 American Bullfrogs in the creek and Hunter caught one and so did Kathy M. Pictures were taken. As we were packing up to leave, a young girl and her father approached us with a turtle they had rescued from their dog. They were bringing it to the lake to release. It was an Ornate Box Turtle (a male) and was injured slightly from the tussle with the dog. I took the turtle home and located a rehabber to provide some TLC before it is released back into the wild.

What a night! 5 species of frogs, 1 turtle, 1 snake and a scorpion and walk up Box turtle.

Attendees: Kathy M., Hunter, Tonya, Amy and Mike F., Christie G., Ginger, her daughter Violet, and her parents Louis and Nora, myself and daughter Meghan D.

Water temp (C): 27
Air temperature at site: 22
How many people were observing with you?: 12
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 3
Sky: Mostly cloudy
Water Level: normal

Publicado el 03 de abril de 2017 por bethd bethd | 4 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de marzo de 2017

TAW Devine Lake March 2017

We had a total of 5 people for a nice evening at the lake. Monitoring began at sunset, 7:45 p.m. and lasted an hour. One Blanchard Cricket Frog was photographed while calling and they reached a full chorus of C=3. We saw 3 Rio Grande Leopard frogs but we had no luck netting them. They were recorded calling at C=1. On the way out of the park we checked the creek and located a young female American Bullfrog and got photos.

Attendees: Hunter, myself, Kathy, Amy and Mike.

Air Temp (C): 19
Water temp (C): 30
No. of people in party: 5
Water Level: normal
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 1
Sky: no clouds

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2017 por bethd bethd | 4 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario