03 de mayo de 2020

Socially Distant Bioblitz in Fiji

Being locked down in Suva, Fiji means lots of time on the fringing reef at low tide. Today along the Suva Point Seawall was very pleasant until a steady rain came in from the east after 13:00. Strong easterly winds pushed water into the reef, so even at low tide you could not go out too far, and the water was not so clear with all the mirky water emptying out of the Rewa Delta after this week's heavy rains.

All the usual suspects were out today along the waterfront. White-faced Heron numbers booming in the Greater Suva area this year. Most of the juvenile Greater Crested Terns seemed to have weathered Cyclone Harold very well. Crabs aplenty.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2020 por birdexplorers birdexplorers | 17 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
