Archivos de diario de noviembre 2022

24 de noviembre de 2022

Wild Places and the Pros and Cons of Human interference.

The other day I was down at my local creek, and saw some plastic Gatorade bottles floating around in the water. And it made me think It seems like everywhere you step in nature their some sign of human interference. It's saddens me that their is very few truly "wild" places left on Earth. At the same time places like National Parks are jaw-droppingly beautiful and I am incredibly grateful that its possible for the everyday person to be able to see those sights, because of people building trails and roads. Also building a house or cabin in nature can be damaging to the environment by tearing down trees and habitats in order to have space for building. And then getting the materials for the house. But it brings you closer to nature and the residents of the building can help improve the ecosystem by providing food or planting/reintroducing native plant species. And finally buying a large lot of woods to protect it from deforestation can help safe some ruminates of a once wild world. So in conclusion there are certainly damaging side affects of human inference, there can also be helpful benefits to both humans and nature. What do you think?

Publicado el 24 de noviembre de 2022 por curlywillownaturephotography curlywillownaturephotography | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Awesome creek trip!

Yesterday I went to a forest with a large creek running down the middle (Wont disclose where for privacy reasons) I saw many awesome animals and plant and fungi species. as well as some I wasn't expecting to see up so close. This includes As gray-ish gray American Bullfrog, Eastern Cotton tail (Rabbit), White-spotted slimy salamander, Yellowfin shiner, Genus Elimia, Eastern Crayfish, Variable crayfish, Great Blue Heron, Southern 2 lined salamander, and finally a Fathead minnow. It was a crazy experience, I hope you guys all have an great Thanksgiving! (If you celebrate it)

Publicado el 24 de noviembre de 2022 por curlywillownaturephotography curlywillownaturephotography | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de noviembre de 2022

Don Carter State Park hiking trip

I went to Don Carter Sate Park on 11/26/2022 in Hall County Georgia. I saw a lot of amazing wildlife and visitors center was really cool looking. The first trail I went on was along the lake which I think was a branch of Lake Lanier but I am not 100% sure. I saw a lot of Pine Warblers, A Great Blue Heron, a squirrel nest near the campground with 2 baby squirrels in it, a lot of other little birds that I couldn't get close enough to identify. The park did seem a little small and the trails zig zaged a lot to give the illusion of length but that was just the trails I did. But overall I really liked the park and if your looking for a nice place to have an afternoon hike, camp, or stay in a cabin I would totally recommend it.

Publicado el 27 de noviembre de 2022 por curlywillownaturephotography curlywillownaturephotography | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
