Archivos de diario de junio 2020

23 de junio de 2020

Deer Park Prairie ... Last Video Shoot

Della and I put on our rubber boots and sloshed through a very wet Deer Park Prairie to finish some B-roll video / photos for the last in the NPAT video series. Liatris and gaura were finally showing their beautiful skyward 'legs', as were all our exoskeleton little friends. A couple of new insect species delighted me to no end (they always do, don't they?), so I'm hoping the iNat community will help me with identification in those. I scrubbed some decent photos from video taken of the 'new guys.' Shooting the brand new tiny peeps with the big lens is not preferred.

I really look forward to seeing the finished product linked on NPAT's education prairie. Let's keep Texas prairie ... and teach it to future generations!

Publicado el 23 de junio de 2020 por dirtnkids dirtnkids | 24 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de junio de 2020

Seabourne ... After The Rain

While waiting for some fellow CPC TMN buddies to catch up with me, I thought I would go iNat the demo gardens for some insect diversity. Not disappointed! While ducked down 'in the weeds,' passersby would ask me about the dead fish. I went to investigate. Hundreds if not more than a thousand fish of all sizes were floating belly-up, eyes bugged, apparently having died a horrible death. Hypoxia is the likely culprit, but without water testing capacity, it's hard to say.

Here are the species I logged. The Rambur's forktail brothel in the recovering baccarus (the city chopped them all down in winter) was my favorite spot of the day.

Publicado el 24 de junio de 2020 por dirtnkids dirtnkids | 24 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario