Archivos de diario de julio 2018

06 de julio de 2018

Geographic Distribution of Cyclocephala spp. (Masked Chafers) in the United States

These are just notes for me, so that I can find this easier. If you find this helpful, that's great! :) If there's anything you'd think would be important to know, please feel free to leave a comment.

Gyawaly, S., A.M. Koppenhöfer, S. Wu, T.P. Kuhar. 2016. Biology, Ecology, and Management of Masked Chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Grubs in Turfgrass. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, 3.

Publicado el 06 de julio de 2018 por feistyone feistyone | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Primary Difference Between Adult Species of Acanalonia conica and Acanalonia servillei

I'm making this entry, because there seems to be a lot of confusion between which species is actually A. conica and A. servillei. Basically, when it comes to the Acanalonia planthoppers, more specifically, A. conica and A. servillei, it all boils down to the shape of their heads and the way in which the veins go. Either species may have red eyes.

NOTE: This does not pertain to Neotropical species of Acanalonia that resemble these two.

A. conica
A. conica have pointy heads. They have two (2) dots behind their heads close to their wings, but this is not always visible. The veins on their wings do not run parallel to one another and travel toward the back of their wings. Some A. conica may have a thin pale dorsal line at the top of their wings, but this line is restricted to the wings.

A. servillei
A. servillei do not have pointy heads. It looks as if they have a blunted nose. Their wings have three veins that run parallel to one another that travel at an upward angle toward the top of the wing. They also have a pale dorsal line, which is much wider than A. conica's line, and the line usually extends toward the head. A. servillei are also bigger than A. conica.

NOTE: If there is anything you think would be pertinent to others knowing, please leave a comment. Thanks!

Publicado el 06 de julio de 2018 por feistyone feistyone | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario
