Archivos de diario de enero 2013

22 de enero de 2013

moth observations . . .

Only the third night's moth recording at my "new" pad (moved in at the end of October) - a reasonable haul of 46 species; all photographed, thoughI've appended only some of the more photogenic or unusual species observed from last night's moth recording at home in Hong Kong (moth trap on the roof top, next to a mosaic of habitats, including fung shui woodland, secondary forest, grassland and abandoned agricultural land).

Always good to see Saturniidae, and whilst I was rather hoping to see the Indian Silk Moth (Saturnia pyretorum, actually expecting to see this as it only flies in January/February in Hong Kong and occurs at sites within 2km of my house) the Golden Emperor Moth (Loepa sp. c.f. sikkima) is always a welcome visitor....

Publicado el 22 de enero de 2013 por hkmoths hkmoths | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario