Archivos de diario de agosto 2018

24 de agosto de 2018

Which City in Louisiana Can Find the Most Nature?

Last year, the Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists organized Louisiana's first City Nature Challenge. We held our own against much larger cities, and we had a blast doing it! It was a little lonely being the only city in Louisiana participating in the challenge though!

We'll participate in the CNC again in 2019, but this year we'd like to find out which Louisiana city can find the most nature! If you'd like to help organize your city's effort, sign up for an upcoming conference call with the City Nature Challenge organizers. Learn more.

Anyone can organize a City Nature Challenge through your connections in your area regardless of institutions/organizations. I'm tagging the top iNat observers in LA and some select ones in various cities that I know. Feel free to tag others you think might be interested!

@royaltyler @matthewherron @zoology123 @cypseloides @kgardner @amberenergy @henicorhina @jameswbeck @napoleon1799 @c-merritt @kenbosso @paspalum1 @lifeagogo @terrapinjoe @robjamax @feistyone @bjkauffman @bearly33 @eustatic1 @rockybranch @charlespaxton @reallifeecology @heteromyid @audubon23 @thehaplesshiker @humbleearthgarden @michapetty @barbara32 @pmpalmer

Publicado el 24 de agosto de 2018 por ilouque ilouque | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario