Archivos de diario de julio 2017

03 de julio de 2017

Wild Cucumber?

I was recently confused by nomenclature involved in an observation of Wild Cucumber. I asked several expert sources for clarification. The responses helped a lot!


From my friend and mentor Patricia Simpson:

"Well, this is a common thing unfortunately. What most people here know as Wild cucumber is Marah macrocarpa. But in iNat the common name of Wild cucumber is associated with a different plant. People who do not know the latin name of M. macrocarpa often mistakingly ID as the wrong plant since they just enter the common name and that creates confusion. Marah. Macrocarpa is the only Marah found at MTRP and to my knowledge, in San Diego County (you can look it up at"

I received even more clarification on this subject from Jon P. Rebman, Ph.D., the Mary and Dallas Clark Endowed Chair/Curator of Botany at the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM) since 1996.

Thank you both!

Publicado el 03 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


"Solanum is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants, which include two food crops of high economic importance, the potato and the tomato. It also contains the nightshades and horse nettles, as well as numerous plants cultivated for their ornamental flowers and fruit. Solanum species show a wide range of growing habits, such as annual and perennials, vines, subshrubs, shrubs, and small trees. Many formerly independent genera like Lycopersicon (the tomatoes) and Cyphomandra are now included in Solanum as subgenera or sections. Thus, the genus today contains roughly 1,500–2,000 species." less ↑

Publicado el 03 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de julio de 2017

Amazing Moth Mimic!

Fascinating photos and info in this extra-ordinary observation...

Publicado el 04 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de julio de 2017

GREAT Find in AZ...

Publicado el 08 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de julio de 2017

21 de julio de 2017

Common Beetle Observation in MTRP

Skeletonizing Leaf Beetle (Trirhabda species)

Adult: 5-6 mm

Order Coleoptera/ Family Chrysomelidae – Leaf Beetles/ Subfamily Galerucinae.

This beetle is abundant from spring to summer on Goldenbush, Isocoma venetus. The adults and larvae are found together feeding on foliage of this plant. Larvae are a dark metallic green, and adults are in life bright yellow with dark metallic green stripes. Many of the Trirabda spp. specialize in their choice of host plants, and another species is found on sagebrush, Artemisia californica. Another found primarily on Coyote Bush, Baccharis pilularis, is named after the host!

Publicado el 21 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Western Fence Lizard, OR...(another ID lesson)

How can I tell the difference??? ( I can't!)

Thanks to all who helped clarify!

Publicado el 21 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de julio de 2017

26 de julio de 2017

On-Line Resources ( gathered and recommended by Truthsequr)

How to tell Cudweed from Pearly Everlasting:
Toni Corelli's "Checklist of the Vascular Plants of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties , California" lists the following species: A.canescens , A.crustacea , A.glandulosa , and A.glauca .

Mosses (Click on the resources tab, and click beginner. There is a bunch of things there that you might find interesting.)


Identifying Deer in CA:
Wildlife Preservation:

Posted on April 01, 2017 01:31 PM by truthseqr truthseqr | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Publicado el 26 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

How to tell Cudweed (California Everlasting) from Pearly Everlasting

From an earlier observation:

I think this is California everlasting. See the following article:
"How to tell Cudweed from Pearly Everlasting"
Posted by truthseqr about 2 hours ago

Many thanks to Truthseqrb

Publicado el 26 de julio de 2017 por jwparker2 jwparker2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario