Archivos de diario de noviembre 2023

01 de noviembre de 2023

Anyone want to do an Orocopia Mountains Bioblitz?

I thought I'd try this iNat journal thing to see if it might be useful in gathering together people for a bioblitz. For years I've seen this spot of colored rocks in the Orocopia Mountains and wanted to go out there and explore. Both this spot and the broader area around it don't have much in the way of observations on iNat, Calflora, or CCH, so it seems like it would be worth putting some time into a trip or trips out there.

Anyone interested in making a plan to do this? I'm guessing 4x4 is needed to get out there. It might be fun to go for a full week and try to explore a broad area in bunch of different colored rocks. Temperatures are currently a little warm but it might be good to do at least an exploratory trip sometime in the next month or so.

I'm tagging some folks who have been out there or who I think may be interested. Feel free to tag anyone else who might be interested in the comments.
@meljean @cwbarrows @larry-heronema @jprado @sheriff_woody_pct @escapeyourself @swbirder @silversea_starsong @maribellopez @chloe_and_trevor @arbonius @bee_ecology @courtney_m @duncan_bell @margaretgallagher @mariajj @wildgifts @thyde @kueda @jrebman @miguelgrande @dgrimmphd @ronvanderhoff

Publicado el 01 de noviembre de 2023 por keirmorse keirmorse | 23 comentarios | Deja un comentario
