Archivos de diario de noviembre 2017

06 de noviembre de 2017

6 Nov/17

Well, it's as though a warm autumn had a door slammed shut on it. It's been cold for a week or two (0 - -5 C), but we had a dump of snow a couple of days ago (5 cm) and it's gotten cold. -15C this morning. The river has ice along it's edges, and it's likely to stay this way for a couple of days at least. Most animals have either left, or are in winter mode. Just after the snowfall, saw a couple of gulls, and a high flock of geese heading south. Juncos have left, so all we have outside right now are the 'usual suspects' - chickadees, nuthatches, crows, downy and hairy woodpeckers and blue jays. The guys that for some reason spend the winter here. Even the house sparrows are absent. It's odd how fast things can change. If this lasts, it will be one of the earliest winters I've seen, although I'm quite aware it could warm up and be a warm winter. Ah, the randomness of the non - human world!

Publicado el 06 de noviembre de 2017 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de noviembre de 2017

14 Nov/17

It's warmed up a bit - today +3, but going back down below 0 for the rest of the week. The river is essentially frozen over in many spots, with snow on top of it. There are Canada geese that still hang around the open areas, and yesterday I saw a flock of ducks landing on an open spot,but they were too far away to identify. Hear the usual amount of Black Capped Chickadees and nuthatches. There is at least one raven hanging around Lord Roberts, and many crows (though there seem to be less than in the summer). I thought the starlings had left, but saw one (male) yesterday.

Publicado el 14 de noviembre de 2017 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario