Archivos de diario de febrero 2017

19 de febrero de 2017

Nalle Bunny Run Group Walk 2017-02-18

Five people joined me on Saturday morning (2/18/2017) for the monthly group walk on Hill Country Conservancy's Nalle Bunny Run wildlife preserve. The sun came out at about the same time we started at 9:00 AM, and we enjoyed a clear warm morning. Temperatures reached the mid 70s and it actually became a little uncomfortable outside of the shade by the time we finished at 11:30. Birds were hard to see but easy to hear. We heard Northern Cardinals singing almost constantly during the walk.

We did get a few good looks at birds, including a singing Carolina Wren, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Yellow-rumped Warbler in the same tree, a Golden-fronted Woodpecker, and two birds of prey down on the sandy prairie: an Osprey that flew over us twice, and an American Kestrel perched on top of one of the Purple Martin gourd structures. Here are a few photos:

Singing Carolina Wren

American Kestrel


We were very lucky to be on the preserve when the Agarita bushes were blooming. Their flowers don't last more than a week or so, and it was a real treat too see and smell the yellow blooms.

Blooming Agarita - 2

Blooming Agarita - 1

Here's our complete bird list.

Here are a few more photos on Flickr.

And attached are a few iNaturalist observations.

Publicado el 19 de febrero de 2017 por mikaelb mikaelb | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario