27 de febrero de 2023

New additions to iNaturalist

I decided I should use a journal to record new species I've added to the system. I've forgotten most but here are some recent ones:

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/153412281 a snail Pedinogyra kroombit from Kroombit

https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/1453599-Agalmyla-pseudoborneensis a Gesnerian from Borneo, mine is the earliest observation, but added later that some.

https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/1261962-Pimelea-confertiflora, although Reiner had an earlier obs which was unidentified until recently.

https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/1311538-Chrysocraspeda-vitrata a moth from Madagascar

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/68430990 - Conus rufimaculosus from Burleigh Heads

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/9654269 - a beetle Crepidopterus decorsei from Mada, this was the first observation on iNat, now there are 7.

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/152211970 a murex Poropteron uncinarius from South Africa

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/8459561 a spider Habronestes raveni from Aroona

https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/156352066 a grasshopper Cedarinia limbatella from Mt Victoria
https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/observations/158425706 a keyhole-limpet Macroschisma africanum from Durban

Publicado el 27 de febrero de 2023 por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de junio de 2022

Bird ids

Main clues for determining hybridicity in Pacific Black Ducks, from the detailed article by cobaltducks

-PBDs have typically grey/green, dusky brown or tan legs. Hybrids can have legs bright orange like the Mallards. Some will have a duller orange.
-PBDs will have an evenly coloured grey/green bill. A hybrid may have an orange, yellow, or green bill often with patches.
-Hybrids may also show lighter feathers and/or feathers with broad buff fringes. A pure PBD will have narrow buff fringes.
-PBD will have a dark stripe from the gape to below the eye. Hybrids may have this stripe entirely missing, a faint or wider stripe, or partial stripe that doesn’t extend the full distance.
-The crown of a PBD is typically quite dark. A streaked or paler crown may suggest a hybrid, however this may also be present on juveniles.

Fuller details here:

Publicado el 12 de junio de 2022 por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de enero de 2022

Clever ideas

Slideshow of observations as a memory aid
create a slideshow of my observations, labelled with the scientific name

maybe something like https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNat_observation_slideshow.html?user_id=becksnyc&taxon_id=47157 11. (just make sure to look at the usage notes on the base page https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNat_observation_slideshow.html 10. )

Is it possible to export the iNaturalist icons (observation photo/label) or bulk download them from a page?

this is possible, too. see https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/downloading-photo-permissions/13663/7 3.

EDIT: there are also a couple more things described in this thread which might be relevant: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/easy-way-to-export-into-a-field-guide/12632.

Publicado el 20 de enero de 2022 por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de octubre de 2021

Separating species

Bidens alba and Bidens pilosa


Key to identification
(from Weakley 2020 and Ballard 1986)
Bidens alba: Ray florets 5-8, the ligule 3-18 mm long; cypselas 0-2-awned, the awns 1-2 mm long; outer phyllaries (8-) 12 (-16)
Bidens pilosa: Ray florets absent (or if a few present, the ligule is only 2-3 mm long); cypselas 3 (-5)-awned, the awns 1-3 mm long; outer phyllaries 7-10

Passiflora pallida and suberosa

Publicado el 08 de octubre de 2021 por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de octubre de 2021

Stats on identifications

This URL gives a neat display of how long you've been a member of iNat and how many ids you've done.
It was in the Forum on 5/10/2021, under #IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week


This give a long series of URLs to search

Publicado el 05 de octubre de 2021 por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 7 comentarios | Deja un comentario
