Archivos de diario de diciembre 2020

13 de diciembre de 2020

15 de diciembre de 2020


The ideal is that everyone uses their dashboard to check up on all comments and IDs to their observations. Ideally at least once a week, but not less than once a month.

To expedite the process, switch off agreements on your account profile, and then you will only have to process the identification updates (and disagreements).

It is also the best way to learn. But it does mean that one does not get the agreements (pats on the back) for what you do correct, only for what you dont do right.
But it depends on volume. Usually a few hundred observations per month is easy to manage.

But if the taxon managers can also go through their groups.
The should use the curation tool, and check up on anything without a research grade id: so for instance for Erica:
or Restionaceae:

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Housekeeping. Tony.

The ideal is that everyone uses their dashboard to check up on all comments and IDs to their observations. Ideally at least once a week, but not less than once a month.

To expedite the process, switch off agreements on your account profile, and then you will only have to process the identification updates (and disagreements).

It is also the best way to learn. But it does mean that one does not get the agreements (pats on the back) for what you do correct, only for what you dont do right.
But it depends on volume. Usually a few hundred observations per month is easy to manage.

But if the taxon managers can also go through their groups.
The should use the curation tool, and check up on anything without a research grade id: so for instance for Erica:
or Restionaceae:

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Charlies Stirton. Aspalathus florifera/ A bowieana

A. florifera has light lemon-yellow flowers 1-4 per axil and many on a branch usually with some pink flushing, standard hairless on the front whereas A. bowieana has pubescence on the front apex of the standard. Its flowers are larger and darker yellow 1 per axil and fewer on a shoot. A. bowieana also has soft er leaves and shorter less pointed calyx teeth.
Tricky to name Aspalathus when no close-ups of detached views of the flower, especially side view are available (almost mandatory in legumes for accurate naming).

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

How to correct a post with incorrect photos together

But you have been on the course.
Step 1: Click V & Duplicate. save the duplicate with the new name (do this first, otherwise you have to reload your pics, and double check, then ...).
Step 2. click Edit. untick the pictures that dont belong here (that you have already saved elsewhere if you dont want to reload them) and save
((and it is good housekeeping to just copy the url of the duplicate so that future generations know what on earth was being talked about))

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Ronald _flipphi. Struthiola dodecandra

within the species with 8 scales and glabrous hypanthium:
not dodecandrum (scales not shorter than hairs)
not ericoides (flws deep yellow to red)
not hirsuta (lvs alternate)
not macowani (young branches hairy)
not myrsinites (scales longer than hairs)
not parviflora (lvs ciliate and obtuse)
not salteri (lvs in whorls of 3 or 4)

Decription Strelitzia 29 p. 778:
S. eckloniana Meisn. Shrub to over 2 m with tetragonal, glabrous or sparsely adpressed-hairy branches. Leaves opposite, narrowly lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, acute. Flowers axillary, twice as long as leaves, white, cream-coloured, pink or sometimes yellow, scales linear, longer or shorter than perigonal hairs. Jan.–Dec. Mountain slopes, KM, LB, SE (Langeberg and Little Karoo to Uniondale).

Publicado el 15 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de diciembre de 2020

Spring cleaning. Tony


Housekeeping is all very well and good and essential. But it is not quite enough. Every now and then we need to do Spring cleaning as well.
For instance, the following checks are important.
((Use these links, but click "My observations" in the grey filter box, so that it will replace the filter with your own observations.))

. 1. Observations without any identifications:
Just make sure that you do not have too many. And remember IDs like Erica or Proteaceae or Poaceae help a lot (but IDs like Plants, Monocots and dicots are pretty useless: rather leave them unidentified in my opinion). There are a few groups that cannot be easily classified: I regularly use this one for trees:: (and there are people particularly interested in trees, who use this to help identify our trees: Help ID our trees!

. 2. Make sure that all your observations have a locality. It is quite easy to forget to fill it in.
In this case you will have to fill in your locality - if you can remember where it was!

. 3. Make sure that all your observations have pictures or sounds. Especially if you are using the app, it is easy to accidentally submit observations that cannot be verified.
Here you will need to decide if you can find the photographs and add them, or delete the observation, or leave it as a medialess observation.

. 4. Make sure that your Location Accuracy is filled in. This is crucial if your data is to contribute to CREW work, conservation, redlisting or research.
Please see instructions here for why this is important, and why you must always fill it in: using-inaturalist-data-for-research
While at it, make sure that some of your localities are not too vague: these really should be refined:
There is hardly ever a good reason where you should not be able to get a locality less accurate than 5km. And please keep these to a minimum.

and (not last, but this is Springcleaning, not a total clearing out)

. 5. Check if any of your identifications are interfering with making an observation research grade. (replace my name with yours in the url box)
These are important. You may be wrong, in which case with "withdraw" your ID, or make a revised ID. On the other hand you may be correct, in which case, please add a comment explaining why your ID should be agreed to.

Posted by tonyrebelo 6 days ago (Delete | Flag)

Publicado el 21 de diciembre de 2020 por outrampsjenny outrampsjenny | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario