Archivos de diario de septiembre 2022

17 de septiembre de 2022

Thank you, iNaturalist

Today (September 16, 2022) is my one year anniversary of making observations for iNaturalist - and what a (literally) wonderful year it has been! This past year I've made 813 observations of 290 species in California and Nevada!

Some of the most memorable observations I've made this past year have been the Button's Bananna Slug, the pair of Great Horned Owls, the napping Coyote, the Brown Pelicans and the American White Pelicans and all the Great Blue Herons.

Thanks to iNaturalist, my daily walks have become ones of mindful wonder - always looking up and around...and perhaps all those years of geocaching have helped me develop an eye for the well-camouflaged lives we share this planet with.

For my second year of iNaturalist observations (because I'm just getting started here!) I have two goals:
1) Make an iNaturalist observation every day - I'd love to see a filled in calendar grid at the end of 2023!
2) Make some iNaturalist observations in other regions/states beyond my own.

And so another year of walking in wonder begins...with many thanks to all who thoughtfully spend their time verifying identifications and explaining the trickier identifications (Mule Deer and Columbian Black Tailed Deer are probably forever going to be my struggle) - you all make this community of observing a very welcoming and educational place to be.

Publicado el 17 de septiembre de 2022 por sarahcoty sarahcoty | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario