Archivos de diario de junio 2020

10 de junio de 2020

Socially Distant Bioblitz #4 begins Sunday

Hi everyone,

This is a friendly reminder that the 4th Socially Distant Bioblitz kick's off in under 4 days! Wherever on Earth you are, bioblitz observations will be accepted beginning at 12:00AM this Sunday.

We are aiming for increased participation from our previous event, which had 150 observers. Can we reach 500 participants this time? Everyone is encouraged to reach out to friends and followers on iNaturalist to invite them to this event. Similarly, new iNaturalist users are welcome!

Warm regards,

Publicado el 10 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de junio de 2020

Moths, moths, and more moths

Since last fall, I have taken a keen interest in moths. Last night was one of my favorite yet, with my first luna moth in the yard and 26 rosy maple moths! Still working on uploading my photos, which definitely include some new species for me!

Publicado el 11 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de junio de 2020

Tips for identifying observations

When adding an identification (ID) to an observation you made, you may wonder if it is better to use a general ID ("e.g., plant", "insect") or an ID that iNaturalist suggests. While a general ID is often vague, the specific ID can often be wrong. So which is better?

iNaturalist users have varying opinions on how to ID something when you don't know what it is, yet here are a few common guidelines:

ID guesses at the species level tend to get identified more quickly. So if you are active on iNat and willing to withdraw an ID if it is wrong, feel free to make specific guesses. This often encourages discussion and sharing of knowledge.

If you are not very active on iNat, or don't like to be wrong, ID an organism to the best level that you are confident - even if this best you can do is "plant" or even "Life", both of which are better than "Unknown".

For IDs that you are unsure of, it can be good practice to comment on your degree of confidence in the "Notes" section of an observation. For example, writing "This looks right, but I am not sure" can let other identifiers know that you are not 100% confident.

Happy observing!

Publicado el 13 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

Event update: First observations coming in!

Thanks to @nicklambert , our 4th Socially Distant Bioblitz has now begun! Our first observation? A slug from the genus Ambigolimax, found in Toormina, Australia (about 350km south of Brisbane).

Looking forward to a great day with you all!

Publicado el 13 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de junio de 2020

Event update: 400+ species, 11 countries

So far, 14 observers have submitted over 650 observations from 11 countries. Over 400 of Earth's species are represented in this small sample, which will increase rapidly throughout the day. Taking a break from observing today? Connect with others around the world by sending an iNaturalist message inviting them to add their observations to the bioblitz!

In Fiji, where midnight and the end of their bioblitz period is just 30 minutes away, @birdexplorers found a variety of marine creatures. Recently submitted observations of theirs include a Peppered Moray, Richardson's Moray, Threespot Wrasse, and Pacific Land Crab. Many of us in land-locked locations will not be finding these, or any other marine species today!

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Event update: 1,000 observations and counting

Congratulations, team, on reaching the 1,000 observations mark! Our top observers so far are @nicklambert (247 obs; Australia), @amzamz (227 obs; Germany), and @naufalurfi (128 obs; Indonesia).

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Event update: 1,000+ species, 17 countries

We have now found and submitted over 1,000 species to iNaturalist as part of today's bioblitz! Nearly 20 countries are represented, spanning the globe from Canada to Fiji and from Russia to Peru.

Recently submitted observations include this introduced Japanese Zelkova found by @ivanort , a jumping spider in the subfamily Salticinae (@awsalas ), this cute Eastern Cottontail (@chrisnerrie ), and this beautiful North American Luna Moth (@sophie342 ).

Keep those observations coming!

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

15 de junio de 2020

Event update: Just a few hours left!

Depending on where you live, 14 June may have already ended or there are still a few hours left. For those of you east of the Atlantic Ocean, it's time to upload remaining observations and help others with their identifications. For those of you still awake before midnight, turn on the outside lights to see what nocturnal insects fly your way!

Here is a list of moth species (and butterflies) we have found so far. Enjoy!

Publicado el 15 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

SDB Series reaches 50,000 observations

It is now 2 hours past midnight on 15 June in the central Pacific, and the Socially Distant Bioblitz (SDB) #4 has come to a close around the globe. If you still have observations to submit, try to get most of these submitted by Friday so they can be included in the event summary. While this summary will be posted on Friday, any observations from 14 June submitted after Friday will still contribute to the project.

While turnout for this event was relatively low (currently 58 observers), this fourth SDB added enough observations to bring our SDB Series tally to over 50,000 observations. Shout out to @paulabetz in Missouri, USA for making our 50,000th observation! We also reached 700 different observers between all 4 events. Great work, everyone :)

Publicado el 15 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

20 de junio de 2020

Event summary

It is amazing to think 75 days have passed since the first Socially Distant Bioblitz (SDB) on 5 April. Over this time, our community SDB effort has reached thousands of naturalists from over 60 countries. Together, we have contributed 56,572 observations, containing 10,011 species , to iNaturalist. Our fifth SDB event on 5 July will continue to connect citizen-scientists around the world as we Covid-19 pandemic uniquely impacts each of us.

Okay, time for the recap of SDB #4! 70 observers submitted an even 9,250 observations from 5 continents and 17 countries, which yielded 3,075 species. Not too far behind the SDB #3 totals despite having fewer than half as many observers. Congratulations to @alexis_orion in Germany for finding the most species during the bioblitz and setting an SDB record for most species in a single bioblitz (477)! Runner-up mentions go out to @nicklambert in Australia (324 species) and @bonnieeamick in the United States (317 species).

Our collective “day” started soon after midnight at 12:22 AM local time near Canungra, Australia, where @dustaway documented this uncommon Oxycanus beltista moth. Nearly 40 hours later (39 hours and 59 minutes), the bioblitzed ended when @masonmaron recorded an aphid near Renton, Washington (USA) at 11:21 PM local time. Check out these other highlights, picked at random, from the bioblitz:

An odd-looking Lixus iridis weevil from Russia (@melodi_96)

A colorful Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae), also from Russia (@oleg_kosterin)

This colorful Viper’s-Bugloss (Echium vulgare) from Czechia (@helik7)

A wetland-loving Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana) from Brazil (@nelson_wisnik)

A phenotypically uncommon all-white Rock Pigeon (Columbia livia), also from Brazil (@charlesavenengo)

A particularly photogenic Garnot’s House Gecko (Hemidactylus garnotii) from Cambodia (@geechartier)

We hope you can join us for the next bioblitz on 5 July, and please encourage others to participate as well!

Warm regards,

Steven Lamonde (@slamonde ), Sara Lobdell (@slob973 ) & Michael Nerrie (@mnerrie )
List of participating countries (17): Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Germany, Guatemala, Indonesia, Lebanon, Nepal, Peru, Russia, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States.

Publicado el 20 de junio de 2020 por slamonde slamonde | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
