Archivos de diario de marzo 2014

05 de marzo de 2014

Payar Lebar to Eunos

This is a walking trip. The trip started from Payar Lebar MRT. The route pass through Engku Aman Rd. There is a walking path besides Daru Arugam Singapore at Geylang Road. There were a number of Community Gardens along the route. At the end of which is a small open garden maintained by NParks.

The foot path route along Marine Parade Rd is a disappointment. There isn't much vegetation to start with and whatever available is half dead due to the dry season.

Since the path along Still Rd is just an ordinary foot path, I can't expect any plants available. Did observed two plants along the way though.

The whole route is about 5.4 KM. It is recorded on

Publicado el 05 de marzo de 2014 por techieoldfox techieoldfox | 17 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
