BIOBLITZ at the High Hope Ranch!! March 13 and 22.

Hello! It's late notice, but the owners of the 900 acre High Hope Ranch in Glen Rose asked me if I could get together a Bioblitz in March. I've got two dates, the 13th and the 22nd at 9 a.m. both days. I figure we'll pause for lunch in Glen Rose, then continue until everyone has had enough. :)
The High Hope Ranch sits right next to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose. Here's a link to their website:

There's also a project that's just getting started:
They are really interested in restoring certain parts of the ranch that have been overgrazed and protecting other parts with unique hill country flora and fauna. These bioblitzes will help provide a baseline inventory.

In addition, I'm leading some birding walks at Meridian State Park focusing on the Golden-cheeked warbler.
The dates and times can be found here:

The owners would like us to sign a release form, so please contact me at if you will be going. Please tag anyone else who might be interested. Hope to see lots of you there!

Publicado el 06 de marzo de 2019 por bosqueaaron bosqueaaron


Soooooo wish I could come! I hope others can jump on this great opportunity though. :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 5 años

You picked some bad dates, Aaron! Not your fault, just saying I can't be there, darn it!! I'm hoping there will be more as the seasons change to capture all the diversity....right?

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace más de 5 años

Cool! I might be able to make it on Friday the 22nd, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Sounds very interesting.

Publicado por lovebirder hace más de 5 años

BioBlitz on private property in Glen Rose? Absolutely! :)

Publicado por jwn hace más de 5 años

Sure wish one of these dates was on a Saturday. Man i would love to come.

Publicado por brentano hace más de 5 años

@pfau_tarleton Absolutely! They had some other events coming up, so I was limited with the dates. However, I'm sure there will be more dates to come. I would like to get one of their guest houses so that some of us could stay a night and do some mothing as well.

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace más de 5 años
Publicado por bosqueaaron hace más de 5 años
Publicado por bosqueaaron hace más de 5 años

Can’t wait to do this!

Publicado por tommybarwig hace más de 5 años
Publicado por bosqueaaron hace más de 5 años

Really beautiful property with lots of birds, a wide variety of flora and stunning views! I would encourage anyone who couldn't make it yesterday (which is everyone since there were only three of us) to try to make it on the 22nd! Additional tags: @robw @amynature @briangooding @kathrynwells333 @itmndeborah @jblinde @tmurr1225

Publicado por jwn hace más de 5 años
Publicado por lovebirder hace más de 5 años

I am bummed I cannot get off work that day- hoping for more to be scheduled there in the future so I can attend- sounds great!

Publicado por amynature hace alrededor de 5 años

Who's coming tomorrow? I'll be there.

Publicado por lovebirder hace alrededor de 5 años

I'm going back out. Hope the weather holds :)

Publicado por jwn hace alrededor de 5 años

Great, Justin!

Publicado por lovebirder hace alrededor de 5 años

I'll be there of course :)

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace alrededor de 5 años

Looking forward to it, Aaron!

Publicado por lovebirder hace alrededor de 5 años

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