2012 March 11 14:00

Location: Alder woodland next to a ravine, S of the fire pit where we looked for ephemeral mosses with John Villella

GPS 47*0444.55"N 122*58'43.12 W Elevation 108

Weather: a little sun, about to rain

Vegetation: ALRU, POMU Rubus ursinus, Geum macrophyllum, cleavers (Galium aparine), and patches of invasive grass. I think I see colts foot (Petasites palmatus). Leaf litter everywhere, open and full of light. Licorice Fern on ALRU,

Observations: On ALRU Isothecium stoloniferum, Dicranum spp., Leucolepis acanthoneura, with well developed sprophytes, Mnium spp. Porella navicularis on a leaning Vine Maple. I've never seen Porella growing in isolation like that.

Plagiomnium on the ground.
There's a patch of Rhytidiadelphus growing in the open with Kindbergia oregana. They are both very gold out in the open.

Question: I wonder how the nutrient profile of ALRU litter compares to conifer litter and the dust that falls on trees for epiphytic species?

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2012 por homeformosses homeformosses


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