Join us tonight for free onine zoom talk by marine biologist, Jim Carlton!

Please join us for our first free online Lakeside Chat program this Fri 7-8 pm by zoom. Marine biologist Jim Carlton is going to talk about an enigmatic little invertebrate that is found only at the lake and was key to his figuring out marine invasions via ballast water. He'll also talk about his pathway to becoming a scientist. We are opening the room with "warm-up" activities at 6:45 pm to bring in and hopefully engage a wide audience including families. (Jim is an Oakland High graduate!)
Please register via eventbrite, tso that you can receive the Zoom link.

Title: An Unsolved Mystery: The Enigmatic Beach-Hopper of Lake Merritt
Fri, Dec 4, 2020 7:00 PM-8:00 PM 30 min talk + Q&A by Zoom
Event URL:

Best wishes,
Katie Noonan
Rotary Nature Center Friends

Publicado el 04 de diciembre de 2020 por ktnoon ktnoon


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