Common Sphagnum peatmosses of south Mississippi

I got a request for resources to identify Sphagnum peatmosses in the field. What could be easier? Practically anything, turns out, because all the key identification characters for Sphagnum are microscopic. iNaturalist, unfortunately, is no help as its Computer Vision has not yet trained on Sphagnum, and it has a tendency to suggest everything is Crome Sphagnum and Prairie Peatmoss when they emphatically are not.

But, we aim to please, so here is a bare-bones draft resource to get started. I took 10 of the most common Sphagnum species in south Mississippi (should work nearby as well), divided them into groups based on how branch leaves look (with a hand lens), and provided links to more information and a photo for each. The photos, at, also have the species description from Flora of North America -- I suggest you skip to the last paragraph for hints to identify each species in the field.

Here are the suggestions, and I'll revise over time to improve it. Good luck!

Branch leaves are hood-shaped and big enough to be individually counted rather easily (subgenus Sphagnum):

Sphagnum perichaetiale (no common name), dryer microhabitats, teddy bear look

Sphagnum affine (imbricate bog-moss), dryish to wet but not inundated, often open

Sphagnum portoricense (Puerto Rico sphagnum), wet, shady, “little palm trees”

Sphagnum magellanicum (Magellan’s peatmoss), pitcherplant bogs, often purple

Sphagnum palustre (prairie peatmoss), shady wet seeps

Branch leaves are very long (over 5mm) and straight-tipped

Sphagnum macrophyllum (largeleaf peatmoss), wet and often inundated

Branch leaves small and not easily counted

Sphagnum lescurii (yellow peatmoss), wet to dry habitats, soft and shapeless

Sphagnum carolinianum (Carolina peatmoss), wet woods, bright green & a little spiky looking

Sphagnum cuspidatum (toothed peatmoss), inundated, “drowned kitten” look

Sphagnum recurvum (recurved sphagnum), wet, dainty looking

You can find lots of examples of each of these in my project "Peatmosses (Sphagnum) of the SE US" (

Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2022 por janetwright janetwright



Publicado por sedgequeen hace más de 2 años

Awesome, thanks!

Publicado por misspt hace más de 2 años

Good stuff!

Publicado por jakelly hace más de 2 años

Very cool!!!

Publicado por dcarrie hace más de 2 años

such an awesome endeavor!! I have tried to find resources (a person) for moss ID for years.

Publicado por rjwhitfield hace más de 2 años

The only moss I know anything about is Sphagnum. But I will be taking a moss course this summer so will be glad to share what (if) I learn!

Publicado por janetwright hace más de 2 años

Very generous of you to share your expertise! Thanks!

Publicado por kmiller03 hace alrededor de 2 años

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