Seedling and Sapling Survey

The 2022 tree survey of the first small area is now complete. Each tree that germinated following honeysuckle removal has been tallied.

Initial Results:
Black Locust……………: 4 (Robinia pseudoacia)
Sugar Maple………………: 5 (Acer sacharum)
Tulip Poplar……………: 3 (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Box Elder……………………: 42 (Acer negundo)
Ash……………………………………: 12 (Fraxinus)
Black Cherry……………: 29 (Prunus serotina)
Hackberry……………………: 4 (Celtis occidentalis)
Eastern Redbud………: 1 (Cercis canadensis)
Eastern Red Cedar: 1 (Juniperis virginiana)
Hickory…………………………: 1 (Carya)
Elm……………………………………: 7 (Ulmus)
Callery Pear……………: 13 (Pyrus calleryana)

Total………………………………: 122

** Where possible, trees were identified to the species level. In some cases (ash, hickory, elm) volunteers were only capable of identification down to the genus.

The density of seedlings and saplings identified by volunteers is compelling. This density of trees will not be sustainable over the long term. Each seedling will compete against neighboring seedlings for access to sunlight and resources. Honeysuckle, garlic mustard and other aggressive plants with little ecological value will continue to be controlled for the duration of the open ended observational study.

The most prolific tree, the box elder (with 42 occurrences), supports 285 species of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) during their caterpillar stage. The total of 122 trees surprised and delighted volunteers. Freeze pops were enjoyed by all.

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2022 por stockslager stockslager


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