Tonga westwoodi, Redescription.

Now, This article is only on one weird species of fugoromorph: Tonga westwoodi. Range: South-east Asia.

This is a redescription of the species. It's the only species under the monotypic1 genus Tonga.



The head's generally green, but pls don't use colour for identifying fulgoromorphs. It can lead to maverick ids. I had made the same mistake, but I don't want any one else to misidentify by just trusting colour. The weird part starts: The head has a notable cephalic process2; despite the fact that this feature is common among planthoppers/fulgormorphs, you will get to understand the weirdness when it will come to the wings. A line runs from the tip of cephalic process2 to the back tip of the wings, like in Genus stenocranus It is generally peach or yellow, but varies.


Legs are generally mid-tone brown, but don't use this for identification.


The wings are shaped in a strange way: The apex3 at the bottom the wings are rounded and and the apex at the top of the wings is like a spike. There are spots, but not like the ones on the Torpedo bug, or Siphanta acuta, but more like the ones on pyrops species which have long cephalic processes2 like this species, but the "leaf" shaped wings are like those of Flatidae. Weird, isn't?

Word help:
1 Monotypic: A taxon with only one subtaxon.
2 Cephalic process: a "snout" or projection protruding from the front of and insect's head.
3 Apex: (of an insect) The point farthest on an organ (Eg. legs or wings) from where it attaches from the rest of the body.

Publicado el 08 de febrero de 2023 por aaravmishra aaravmishra


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