Local Leaders Gather Together to Support Chuckwalla National Monument

Hello everyone,

We've got big news: Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz has officially endorsed the Chuckwalla National Monument proposal and has introduced legislation to the House of Representatives calling for the designation of the monument! The Protect California Deserts coalition has a statement here: https://protectchuckwalla.org/2023/09/25/new-chuckwalla-national-monument-joshua-tree-national-park-expansion-proposed-for-the-california-desert/, and many coalition members organizations are also issuing statements and posting online. Here's one from CactusToCloud Institute, which I represent: https://www.cactustocloud.org/news/cactustocloud-institute-joins-calls-to-designate-chuckwalla-national-monument.

This is an important milestone, but we're not over the finish line yet. Legislation has been introduced, but we're not holding our breath for the House to act so our focus has shifted to convincing President Biden to designate the monument under the Antiquitites Act. You can help by signing the petition on the coalition website (https://protectchuckwalla.org/takeaction/), writing a letter of support on behalf of yourself or your organization, and by encouraging others to support the monument by sharing your personal stories from the area. I'm always happy to answer questions or help with suggestions on how to help at colin@cactustocloud.org or here on iNat.


Publicado el 26 de septiembre de 2023 por cwbarrows cwbarrows


Congratulations on getting this far and thanks, Colin. 🤞🏽for next steps.

Publicado por poa hace 8 meses

Signed! This is great news!

Publicado por g_heaton hace 8 meses

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