Taxonomic Swap 46012 (Guardado el 14/01/2019)

spelling error moved to correct spelling.

Plants of the World Online (Referencia)
Añadido por cmcheatle el 14 de enero de 2019 | Comprometido por cmcheatle el 14 de enero de 2019
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So maddening. A big reason why the ICZN is better than the ICNafp.

Publicado por kmagnacca hace más de 5 años

Just to be clear, I'm not unilaterally changing any spelling error, it is to follow the iNaturalist policy that Kew gardens plants of the world online is the reference used to synch iNat plant taxonomy.

The site does not take a 'stand' ICZN rules or anything like that, or which nomenclature code to follow.

Publicado por cmcheatle hace más de 5 años

Oh I know; it's not even the PotW making a subjective determination. The issue is that the plant code requires names to be grammatically correct in Latin, even if it means changing the original spelling of a name that's been in widespread use for 200 years. The animal code prioritizes the original name.

Publicado por kmagnacca hace más de 5 años

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