Archivos de diario de abril 2020

28 de abril de 2020

Difference between Senecio and other slender Asters

"Osteospermum more often glandular, Senecio typically has these numerous, thin parallel bracts with sharp tips"

Both Senecio and Osteospermum have
*Keeled upper surface of sepals
*Sepals and pedicels with glandular hairs
*Bracts tips discoloured
*Bracts tips covering the lower base of the corolla and/or parallel on either side to the lower base of corolla

The key distinguishing feature between these 2 and other genii of slender, forbe-like Asters is:
*Bract length - Senecio= bracts >1.5x the length of petals; Osteospermum, Afroaster= bracts <1x the length of petals
*Bract/ gynoecium shape - Senecio= Bulbous shaped gynoecium, and conforming bracts
*bracts non-uniformly stratified, deeply torn, and thinly overlapping in Senecio. Bracts arranged in inner and outer (well-defined) cups in Afroaster

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020 por anthonywalton anthonywalton | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Plants to use for making Alcoholic Beverages

The roots of some plants contain moulds and other micro-organisms which, when added to a water infusion or watery decoction, assist in the fermentation process in order to create alcohol

Examples of indigenous South African plants used for such purposes include:
Raphionacme hirsuta
Eulophia sp.

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020 por anthonywalton anthonywalton | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario