Archivos de diario de febrero 2021

19 de febrero de 2021

KZN Wahlenbergia Key and sp. Characteristics

W. pallidiflora:
Oblong gynocarphum, short to medium sized slender calyx lobes, leaves sessile, spaced and sparse hairs on slightly angled stem and leaves with wavy upturned margins, branched inflorescence but single or few flowers
Grows in moist soils and seepage basins

W. undulata
Small, conical gynocarphum, broad edged and clasping calyx lobes, leaves sessile, prominently serrated and held at various degrees of erect toward stem (depending on habitat and climate)
Grows in Savannah, mountain sides and other habitats, widespread even in high altitudes

W. cuspidata
Long slender calyx lobes, leaves sessile to feintly sessile, tightly grouped (alternating) with denser hairs on stem and leaf margins, margins serate but not very wavy or upturned, branched inflorescence with many terminal flowers

Publicado el 19 de febrero de 2021 por anthonywalton anthonywalton | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario